At our Dec. 3 meeting, we heard an update on many of our youth-centric programs, including our Scout troops, YES student and our exchange student.
Farah Briseno
Farah is the Youth Engaged in Service (YES) student that the Fidalgo Island Rotary Club is sponsoring for the 2024-25 year. Farah is a student in Mount Vernon. Her favorite subjects are math and science, and she enjoys tennis and traveling (she has been to every continent except Antarctica!) Farah will travel with the YES team to Honduras next summer. To raise funds for her trip, she is selling $10 raffle tickets for a basket, to be drawn the first week in March during Luck of the Irish. Be on the lookout for additional information on the Luck of the Irish. See Kurt if you'd like to purchase a ticket.

FIR sponsors two Scout troops - Troop 4911 and Troop 4060. Bayze Goforth updated the club on what Troop 4911 is up to, including two new Eagle Scouts. Emerson Ott will have an Eagle Court of Honor celebration on January 26th. Anthony Halverson has not yet scheduled his court of honor. Other Scouts in the unit have earned several additional merit badges over the summer.
Troop 4911 also facilitates the flag program, putting up flags at residential homes for several of the major holidays during the year. If you'd like to participate in the flag program in 2025, please contact Kevin Goforth at kevingoforth@mac.com, or click here to download the form.
Niamh Gross from Troop 4060 updated the club on there troop activities including going to Melita Island Scout Camp this summer. Niamh has also obtained the rank of Eagle Scout and will let us know when she will have a court of honor. She is actively working to recruit new members, and hopes to create an Adventure Troop.
Exchange Students
Ollie Blix - Sarah was able to raise funds for Ollie to have a season ski pass to Mount Baker this year. In addition, the club is taking donations to send Ollie to Washington DC during Spring Break - contact Kurt to donate.
Emily Carroll - Emily's mother was at the meeting Tuesday to report that Emily is doing well! She is adjusting well to life in Spain, and is enjoying the start of the holiday season. The host Rotary club hosted a Thanksgiving for all American students last week. Emily made turkey-shaped sugar cookies!