Those crazy Fun Clubbers. They always seem to be going places, doing things... They just can't sit still! This week, on "Where in the World: Rotary Edition," we find that our own Southern belle, Linda Dobbs, has flown the coop in search of warmer weather. Gathering a gaggle of 55 (yes, 55!) of her closest gal pals, Linda headed to the gulf shore of Alabama this week for a college reunion. We can only image the amount of dancing, singing and laughter in this beach bungalow, especially if Linda is involved! Coincidentally, Linda's crew stayed at the Beach Babies house, the same place where Chris Long's family has vacationed in the past. Does this mean great minds think alike, or are TWO Fun Club Rotarians now banned from returning to Alabama? We'll have to wait for Linda's return to find out...
Email fir.thefunclub@gmail.com with your travel photos and escapades to be featured in the next "Where in the World!"
Email fir.thefunclub@gmail.com with your travel photos and escapades to be featured in the next "Where in the World!"