Are you interested in learning more about our International Project Alliance? Now you can subscribe to the IPA newsletter to stay up to date on all the international projects we have going on!
The International Project Alliance (IPA) is a large collaborative group of Rotary clubs in northwest Washington State, who made a long-term commitment to helping the people of the Copán Ruinas region of western Honduras. Founded in 2014, the IPA's projects cover most areas of international aid, including education, health, food and agriculture, water and sanitation, construction and economic development. The IPA's in-country partner is the Club Rotario de Copán Ruinas. The IPA has implemented the following programs to date:
- Adopt-A-School
- Adopt-A-Dream, scholarship program
- Adopt-a-Village
- Mobile Library
- Student Health Fund
- Water, Sanitation, School Construction, Agriculture
- Rapid Development Program - Transforming Villages
- Equipping health clinics
Click here to subscribe to the newsletter to stay up-to-date on all these projects and more!