When Tricia's sister sent her a box of Turkish snacks for her birthday, she wondered if they were legit; so she asked Walt and Susan Guterbock if her and Mike could come over for tea and share her gift. "Susan's face just lit up when you texted her the reminder that you guys were coming over for tea." Walt giggled. As the southern Smokey Mountain couple walked in, they quickly figured out why...
After greeting the Guterbock's new pup Zoe, they walked inside the tea room to an amazing surprise! The decorative tablecloth, two tea kettles, two different tea cups per setting, three different types of finger sandwiches (curry chicken salad, cucumber and tomato cream cheese), tiny pancakes, three different types of jelly spreads smothered the table; with a side counter filled with tiny dessert "biscuits" and a Day of the Dead skeleton as the center-piece, the decor and spread was off the chain. "Whatha* is happening?" Tricia thought, "I was just bringing over some weird Turkish treats, I didn't know you were going to go all out?" Susan and Walt laughed as they all sat down and started filling their plates.
"Susan, I totally forgot you were from England and do High-Tea." Tricia said. "You don't have that annoying accent like the other Brits." Mike joked. "I could say the same for you SOUTHern boy, you sound well educated..." Susan piped back. The conversation was basically hysterical coming from such different backgrounds. Mike and Susan debated about cookies vs biscuits, scones vs actual southern biscuits and what would make the best breakfast sandwich; while Walt and Tricia went through the Turkish snacks and reminisced about the good ol' days and taste tested everything. "This is so fun- I love this... I haven't seen these in years." Walt whispered.
If you ever get the time, ask Susan if she would like to do tea- it will make her day and yours as well.
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