The Honduras Adopt-A-School Program was created by The International Project Alliance (also known as the IPA) and since 2015, has provided over 8,000 backpacks for children in Copån Ruinas. The IPA, led by our past president Peter Martin & Walt Guterbock, is an alliance of Western Washington Rotary Clubs that have combined forces to do projects in the Copán region that help education, provide clean water, health, and agriculture.

Did You Know? A club or individual can Adopt A School for $400-500, or $20 per kid, which provides a backpack, uniform, and school supplies for an entire school year. The IPA also provides mobile libraries so kids have books to read and supplies for teachers. Supplies are delivered directly to the schools by the IPA and participating Rotary members to alleviate shrinkage. The program has made a big difference in student retention and achievement.

If you're interested in participating in The International Project Alliance and want to travel to Honduras and participate with hands-on projects contact us at The backpacks are delivered in February right before school starts, but we have trips planned twice a year to meet with Rotary clubs in Honduras to discuss future projects and to deliver books to students. The experience is safe, rewarding and gives time for sightseeing the surrounding areas. To see more photos CLICK HERE.

It's amazing what we can accomplish when hearts and minds work together. See how leaders from countries, cultures, and occupations around the world are taking action — to enhance health, empower youth, promote peace, and improve their community. Join leaders at Fidalgo Island Rotary - the FUN Club!