On June 18th FIR members thanked the FY23 Board members and welcomed in the new FY24 Board members.  This year the theme was "Celebrating Women who are SUPER and full of WONDER".  The theme was chosen based on the amazing women in the club; especially our FY2024 President Brianna Hackler and our incoming FY2025 President Sarah Davies.  We played a Taylor Swift song for Swifty Brianna and then the perfect song for baseball/softball lover Sarah …we all sang the chorus along with John Fogerty,  “Put me in, Coach. I’m ready to play.
Susan and Kim gave the toast to Brianna.
  • Leaderships skills of Queen Elizabeth
  • Athletic flexibility of Chole Kim
  • Energy and forward thinking of Amelia Earhart
  • Speaking skills of Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Marketing prowess of Barbie Doll creator Ruth Handler
  • Crowd pleasing skills of Taylor Swift
  • Fashion forwardness of Liz Claiborne
  • Diplomacy of Margaret Thatcher
  • Lack of squeamishness of Jane Goodall
  • Compassion of Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton
  • CAN DO IT attitude of Rosie the Riveter
  • Truth teller, Fair Mindnesses to  All Concerned, Builder of Goodwill and Friendships like Mother Teresa
  • Plus she's a great mom to our youngest Fun Club Rotarian
Everyone raised their glasses to the Fidalgo Island Rotary's Wonder Woman, Brianna!
It was a fun event where we:
  • Recognized a new class of  Paul Harris Fellows
  • Gave the outgoing board members Play-doh
  • Recognized the Rotarian of the year - Kurt Nelson
  • Swore in the new board and our new President Sarah Davies
For pictures of all of this and more click here:  2024 Installation